No Win Race by Derek A. Bardowell and Extraordinary Insects by Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson have been shortlisted for the Indie Book Awards 2020.
We’re thrilled to announce that two books from our new Mudlark imprint have been shortlisted for the 2020 Indie Book Awards. Chosen by a judging panel of independent booksellers, authors and industry influencers, the winners will be announced during Independent Bookshop Week on 26th June.
We have extra terms for both books available to independent bookshops. For more details, contact your rep or our usual Independent Thinking channels .
Social assets for each book can be downloaded on these links:
Extraordinary Insects (Twitter)
Extraordinary Insects (Instagram 1)
Extraordinary Insects (Instagram 2)

A painful reflection of racism in British sport … Bardowell ably demonstrates the power of the media to determine the narratives around these sporting lives – Observer
Derek A. Bardowell‘s deeply personal exploration into the complexities and biases implicit in being black in Britain is published now with an updated paperback package and a terrific set of quotes and end of year round-ups – this is set to be an important and essential paperback read this year. Derek met many independent booksellers at the BA social event in Chepstow in 2019 and at our annual IndieThinking event in January this year.
An extract from the book is available for independent booksellers to share.
No Win Race
Derek A. Bardowell
£9.99 PB

Extraordinary Insects is a joy – The Times
A Sunday Times Nature Book of the Year 2019

Extraordinary Insects is a journey into the weird, wonderful and truly astonishing lives of the small but mighty creatures we can’t live without.
Working quietly but tirelessly, insects give us food, uphold our ecosystems, can heal our wounds and even digest plastic. They could also provide us with new solutions to the antibiotics crisis, assist in disaster zones and inspire airforce engineers with their flying techniques. But their private lives are also full of fun, intrigue and wonder. Here, we discover life and death, drama and dreams, all on a millimetric scale. Like it or not, Earth is the planet of insects, and this is
their extraordinary story.
Extraordinary Insects
Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson
Out Now
£9.99 PB