Independent Thinking at HarperCollins UK
Welcome to the IndieThinking website! IndieThinking at HarperCollins offers communications to independent booksellers in the UK and Ireland about new books, special offers and recommended titles. We want to ensure that independent booksellers have access to the information, tools and support they need to sell HarperCollins titles. Scroll down to sign up to our newsletter mailing list!

Team IndieThinking is made up of Ben Hurd, Eleanor Slater and Michael Jones, as well as a team of local sales representatives who work across the country. We work with The Booksellers’ Association, Books Are My Bag and directly with booksellers to run events throughout the year.
On this website you can find information about the latest proofs and display materials available to indie booksellers, as well as the signed stock and special editions we have on offer for indie bookshops. You can also view our monthly order forms. If you can’t find what you need, please let us know!
Get in touch! You can find IndieThinking on Twitter @IndieThinking and Instagram @Indie_Thinking.
Any questions? Please email us on
Booksellers can sign up to our newsletter for all the latest news and updates below!
This newsletter is for independent booksellers in the UK / Ireland only