A Love Letter to EJ Morten Booksellers by Caroline England

I love to support independent shops. Like Morten’s they’re personal and part of our community.

I’m lucky enough to leave my front door and stroll through Didsbury Village to my local bookshop, EJ Morten Booksellers, known to us all as Morten’s. An essential part of the Didsbury community, the pretty white rendered bookshop has been run from a cobbled street since 1959 with three successive generations taking over the business.

The stall of second hand books outside the old terrace draws your attention the moment you turn down Warburton Street. Then there’s the shop window! Artfully stacked with a variety of books of all shapes and sizes from fiction to sport, from autobiography to travel, it entices you in, through the quaintly latched door and into the book grotto.

I’ve always adored the delicious distinctive aroma of books and that hits immediately! A den-like tiny till area leads through to a larger bright space where the walls are chock-a-block with arrays of colourful tomes. Book cases are stocked high and wide with an astonishingly broad range of books including modern best-sellers, travel, health and well-being, science, education, the arts and classic literature. There’s a popular children’s section in a separate alcove with fun accessories and bookmarks. Then there’s a bargain book table. Always worth a look!

Small, safe and intimate, somehow, I’ve never been to Morten’s without striking up a conversation with a stranger. Having lived in Didsbury Village for over twenty years, I love to support independent shops. Like Morten’s they’re personal and part of our community. It’s the continuity and constancy I love. David is a perfect example of this! The unobtrusive stellar employee has been there for over twenty-five years, allowing shoppers to browse at their leisure, but only too happy to assist in finding books when he’s asked.

David has been supportive of me as a local newly published author. My debut domestic noir novel, Beneath the Skin, is currently peeping out of the shop window and I’m particularly thrilled to see copies prominently displayed on his year-round dedicated collection of new signed first-edition books for sale. Beneath the Skin is rubbing shoulders with the Man Booker Prize winner and David Jason. You can’t get much better than that!

Beneath the Skin

Caroline England

5th October 2017




RRP £7.99

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